Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pop Art The One That Catches My Attention Is Pop

There are several different art movements, but the one that catches my attention is Pop Art. In the 1960’s, a group of younger artists invented a new American form of realism. Andy Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, and Roy Lichtenstein invented this movement. Andy Warhol was a highly successful magazine illustrator and graphic designer; Ed Ruscha was also a graphic designer, and James Rosenquist started his career as a billboard painter. Their background in the commercial art world trained them in the visual vocabulary of mass culture as well as the techniques to seamlessly merge the realms of high art and popular culture. It was in part a reaction to the supposed authenticity of Abstract Expressionist gesture, and it reflected a sense that genuine American experience was not so much heartfelt as it was determined. Pop represented life as America lived it, a world of Campbell’s soup cans, Coco-Cola bottles, comic strips, and movie stars. Pop Art left behind traditional artistic media like painting. Artists usually turned instead to slick renderings made by mechanical reproduction techniques, such as photolithography, that evoked commercial illustration than fine art. His first sustained theme, intimate paintings and prints in the vein of Paul Klee that poked lyrical fun at medieval knights, castles, and maidens, may well have been inspired by a book about the Bayeux Tapestry. Lichtenstein then took an ironic look at nineteenth-century American genre paintings he saw in history books,Show MoreRelatedThe Philadelphia Museum Of Art Museum855 Words   |  4 PagesThe Philadelphia Museum of Art was my first time to an art museum, and overall I think it was a good experience. When I thought of an art museum, I thought it was going to be all paintings. But as it turns out, that idea was wrong. There were lots of other forms of art there as well. The exhibit that I enjoyed the most was the International Pop exhibit. 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