Saturday, December 28, 2019

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee Case...

Project Name | Iacoboni’s Coffee Shop | Project Number | | Project Manager | Maria Muncy | Prioritization | | Owner(s) | Maria Muncy | Start Date: | 7/22/2013 | Scheduled Completion Date: | | Mission/ Purpose | What is your project going to accomplish? How does this project relate to overall goals and objectives of the company? It is part of a program or larger project? The project will create a place for children to come and enjoy their time while the parents can enjoy a cup of coffee and work. We want to make the coffee shop an environment for everyone to come to and enjoy. | | SOW | What will this project create? What is the product of the project? At a high level, how do you plan on doing the work of the project?†¦show more content†¦We would have to change the menu a little to add some things children would like to drink and eat. This is a business reason because we want more people to set in our shop to have their coffee. | | Project Manager and Stakeholders | Who will lead this project? Who are the major stakeholders? Maria Muncy and the lead contractor will lead the project. The customers are the major stakeholders. | | Milestones | What are the key milestone dates associated with the project?Our business needs to have this project done as soon as possible so August 1, 3013 start, November 1, 2013 half way there and February 1, 2013 project complete. | Budget | What is the order-of-magnitude budget for this project? The budget for this project will be 1.2 million being paid, half at the half way point and the other half at the end of the project. | | | User Acceptance Criteria/Quality | What are the minimum success criteria as defined by the key stakeholders? People will think that the coffee shop is too loud and crowded. | High-Level Project Assumptions | What are the assumptions on which the project is based?The assumptions are people will be happier and the business will do better. | High-Level Project Constraints | What are the major limiting factors that affect the project?Some of the limiting factors are room, time and money. | Exclusions and Boundaries | What are the boundaries of the project? What is to be included and what is to be excluded fromShow MoreRelatedbusn 412 week 6 assignment1433 Words   |  6 Pages Case Study Report: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee Course – Business Policy (BUSN 412) Student Name – Inderjeet Singh Subject – Assignment week 6 University – DeVry University Date – 06/14/2014 Case Study Report: Fresh Direct Company Information Company Name – Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee Website – Founded in- 1981 Background/History/Company Timeline 1981- Green Mountain Coffee RoastersRead MoreCase Study Report :: Green Mountain Coffee Keurig Coffee Essays1357 Words   |  6 PagesName :: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Keurig Coffee Website ::,, Industry :: Processed amp; Packaged Goods- Coffee Makers Background amp; History Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. (GMCR) was founded in 1981 as a small cafà © and combined with Keurig in 2006 (About GMCR, 2004-2009). GMCR produces specialty coffee and coffee makers; Keurig is the maker of a single cup coffee maker as well as specialty teas and coffees. Keurig was foundedRead MoreSWOT Analysis: Green Mountain Coffee Roaster and Keurig Coffee Inc.2304 Words   |  10 Pagestwo companies involved in this case study are Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and Keurig Coffee Inc. They are both in the coffee industry. What is interesting is that Keurig Coffee Inc. actually started off as â€Å"a technology company in the coffee industry where they developed a brewer that represents a fusion of technology and design† (C36 in the book, [Dess et al, 2012]). Green Mountain Coffee Roasters’ website is and Keurig Coffee Inc.’s website is http://www.keurigRead More5-Force Analysis of Keurig Brewing System by Jay Haque1 537 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Green Mountain Coffee Roaster’s Keurig Single Brew system is dominating the U.S. market with an overwhelming market share. 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A limited amount of compact company resources and the constant technological advancements may prevent the company from performing to the best of its capabilities. In order to address this issue, we recommend that you investigate our recommendations to increase market share by implementing the strategies that will be discussed in this memorandum. Strategic Analysis: Strengths: WhenRead MoreStrategic Management - Green Mountain Coffee Roasters8502 Words   |  35 Pages1. QUESTION ONE Undertake a SWOT analysis of the organization in the case. A SWOT analysis of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters reveals the following : 1.1 Strengths i. Product Consistency By utilizing state-of-the-art roasting software, GMCR is therefore able to maintain their level of product consistency, ii. Unique Products Its key success is in differentiating its coffees. The coffee beans have been carefully selected and then roasting them in small batches to ensure consistency and to maximizeRead MoreKeurig Green Mountain Essay4159 Words   |  17 Pagesï » ¿ Keurig Green Mountain Christian Derderian Nick Fazzolari Miguel Jimenez Anastasia Zavgorodni Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Industry Economic and Value Chain Analysis A. Company Competitors B. Value Chain Analysis C. Firm’s Market Share D. Industry-wide Technological Developments E. Economic Analysis F. Firm’s Business Strategy III. Financial Analysis of the Firm A. Assess Short-term Liquidity B. Critique of Capital Structure and Long-term SolvencyRead MoreMarketing Strategy For Single Serve Coffee Products1014 Words   |  5 PagesIssue: Throughout the case, it becomes clear that competition may be hindering your product from leading the market. A limited amount of compact company resources and the constant technological advancements may prevent the company from performing to the best of its capabilities. In order to address this issue, we recommend that you investigate our recommendations to increase market share by implementing the strategies that will be discussed in this memorandum. Strategic Analysis: Strengths: WhenRead MoreGreen Mountain Coffee1353 Words   |  6 PagesBACKGROUND/HISTORY Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) started as a small cafà © in Waitsfield, Vermont in the year of 1981. It was in 1993 that the company went public and acquired the early phase of Keurig Incorporated Inc, and then completed the acquisition in 2006. (Unknown.( 2004). Gmcr.Retrieved from Once these two companies combined it made the way we drink beverages different than ever before in both the home and office. According to GMCR’s website

Friday, December 20, 2019

Sightseeing Trip Washington, D.c - 1248 Words

A sightseeing vacation in Washington, D.C. wouldn t be complete without taking a bus tour of the historic sights. One of the top tour companies in Washington, D.C. is Old Town Trolley Tours. I recently took one of their tours while on vacation. Old Town Trolley Tours has three trolley routes (or loops). The orange loop passes by the National Mall and Downtown. The green loop shows the National Cathedral, Uptown and Georgetown. The red loop travels to Arlington National Cemetery. My family took the orange loop, since it was my kids first time in the nation s capital and we wanted to see the monuments. All three loops have a total of 19 combined stops. One trolley fare entitles the rider to board and disembark at any stop. Due to the unseasonably warm weather and tired children in tow, we decided to stay on for the entire loop. All tours start at the Old Town Trolley welcome center at 11th and E Streets. The orange loop should last 90 minutes. However, we were there during the Cher ry Blossom weekend and gridlock was prevalent all over the district. Our ride lasted almost two hours. Because of the traffic, the driver had to forgo stopping at the Jefferson Memorial. The cherry blossoms are located in the Tidal Basin, which is also the site of the Jefferson Memorial. A highlight of our tour was catching an unobstructed view of the White House. At each monument or sight, the trolley comes to a full stop and passengers are allowed to get on or off. Most of the people onShow MoreRelatedNew York : A Small Village With A Large Population1484 Words   |  6 PagesMarch on Washington Pulaski is a small village with a small population. You might have heard small murmurs of the town over the news because of five feet of snow, or due to an increase of salmon swimming upstream. Most of its income comes from the annual salmon run that attracts thousands of fisherman to the river where the fishing is easy. Most people outside Central New York has never heard of Pulaski, unless they are fishermen. Even now in Utica, not even an hour and a half away, the village seemsRead MoreMy Experience In My Life1153 Words   |  5 Pagesthen Justin Bieber came on stage and I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore. I had anchored my ship in the calm waters of content. By the end of the night, my throat was as dry as a bone from all of the singing that I did. It was the perfect sailing trip with no clouds in sight; I never wanted to return to the docks. My bad memory is from this past spring in April ,the week before spring break. I had lacrosse practice; I was playing defense and I was at ball. The ball had fell out of my opponentsRead MoreTypes of Vacations898 Words   |  4 PagesThe park has invested millions of dollars into making your trip as thought free and enjoyable as possible. The last type of vacation I will discuss are the ones geared toward sight seeing. Places like New York City and Philadelphia, or international destinations like Paris and London. These vacations are usually based on historical significance or experiencing other cultures. Whether it’s the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. or the Colosseum in Rome, people travel for the excitementRead MoreHow Has the Current Recession Affected Demand for Overseas Travel for Different Consumer Groups, Based on the Income Elasticity of Demand?7620 Words   |  31 Pages | | Table 1: Analysis Key The key determinants of demand for overseas travel are: 1. Income 2. Price of the holiday (airfares, hotels, food, sightseeing, shopping, etc.) 3. Perception of the destination 4. Activities at the destination 5. Destinations which have already been visited An analysis of the research findings showed that different income categories placed importanceRead More Biography of Ernest Miller Hemingway Essay3798 Words   |  16 Pagesattractive to women, and he wasnt satisfied with just one woman. His first love was an American nurse, Agnes von Kurowsky, whom he met while convalescing from his war wounds in Milano, Italy. She was a tall and dark-haired girl who had been reared in Washington, D.C. She was kind, generous, and bright, fond of people, and full of bubbling energy. All the young men in the hospital wanted to get well quickly so that they could have a date with Agnes, Ernest included. Ernest was soon wildly in love with AgnesRead MoreBusiness Plan12716 Words   |  51 Pagesincrease capacity 4.5 percent per year through 2011. Amtrak’s business plan projects that revenues will grow to $2.5 billion in 2003. Chief among the railway revenue generators will be the Acela high-speed service between Boston, New York, and Washington D.C, which is projected to add $180 million in revenues when it is fully operational in 2001 or 2002. According to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), cruise lines have committed over $10 billion to building and launching more thanRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 Pageswith better computer virus protection. Because of their portability and wireless capabilities, lightweight laptop and notebook computers are replacing larger desktop machines in offices today. They can be carried into meetings, taken on business trips, and used at home to remotely connect to office systems. Smaller, handheld devices have also continued to improve in functionality and have become indispensable tools to access e-mail and other applications inside and outside of the office, on

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Customer Needs and Customer expectation

Question: Discuss about the Customer Needs and Customer expectation. Answer: Determination of customer needs Customer needs is the most important thing for a company in order to increase the profitability as well as the brand reputation in the market. The retail store chosen here for the report is a fashion retail stores that deals into manufacturing and selling apparels and accessories for men, women and kids. If the retail store is unaware of customer demands, then it is obvious that the store will not be able to compete in the market. The retail store can do extensive market research in order to get idea about the fashion ideas of apparels. Apart from that, feedback from the customers coming into the stores will also be helpful in determining customer demands (Kursunluoglu 2014). Digital promotion and engagement of customers in the social media webpage is an another option for determining customer needs. Measurement of customer needs Feedback of the customers who are buying things from the s tore is the best option of knowing about their fulfillment of requirements regarding apparels and accessories. Customer loyalty programs are an aspect that can also determine the expectations of the customers from the company. Apart from that, inclusion of customers in the development of the stores and finding their level of participation can be an option for measuring the expectations of the customers. Feedback related to the repurchase of goods and the level of service expected from the retail store will help the store to gather a detailed idea regarding the needs and expectations of the existing customers (Srivastava and Kaul 2014). Behaviour of the customer while buying things and the choice preference of the shoppers is an attribute that can be considered by the store. Attempts in customer expectation It can be said that the organization is making effective attempts in meeting the expectations of the customers. The target of the store is to increase the number of customers while increasing the sales of the company. However, the improved brand reputation is also an attribute of meeting customers expectations. The retail store is focused on adopting the latest fashion trends in the women and men apparels. The company is successful in formulating customer loyalty programs. By promoting end of season sale and proactive customer service, customer expectation can be improved (Navickas et al. 2014). Effective communication skills The retail store can follow effective methods of communication such as reading, talking, listening, nonverbal communication, etc. The business can provide training to the employees present on the store in order to provide excellent customer service to the shoppers. The main aim of practicing effective communication is to increase push selling of the products of the store to the shoppers. Some specific words that the employees can use are would you like, appreciate, may I, consider this, thank you, etc. to the customers. Apart from that, the digital team of the company must engage the followers of the social media webpage (Zablah et al. 2016). The engagements of customers are responsible for conversion of the followers into potential customers. Both types of communication are essential in order to improve the customer service that leads to sales of the different products of the store. Besides this, promotional campaigns are a method that can be considered as a part of the communicatio n with both existing and prospective customers of the company. The advertisements used through legacy media and digital media are considered as the media of the reinforcement of the brand and the launch of new apparels by the company (Orel and Kara 2014). Importance of listening Listening is a part of communication that is considered as a mandatory approach while maintaining an effective communication with the customers. The employees of the retail store must listen to the queries of the customers in order to provide them with effective solutions of the requirements. However, it is the responsibility of the employees working with the company in order to understand the latent demand of the customers by serving them with appropriate solutions (Ene and zkaya 2014). A good listener must maintain a good eye contact, share positive comments, conveys sincerity, lean towards the customer, etc. However, listening skills can be improved while focusing on the speaker and their queries. Listening to the customer with an open mind is the sign of active listening. The employee must rephrase the query of the customers so that the customer will understand that the sales executive has tacit the intended message. Body language must be improved so that it does not portray any type of disapproval or impatience attitude to the customer (Srivastava and Kaul 2014). References Ene, S. and zkaya, B., 2014. A study on corporate image, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in the context of retail stores.Asian Social Science,10(14), p.52. Kursunluoglu, E., 2014. Shopping centre customer service: creating customer satisfaction and loyalty.Marketing Intelligence Planning,32(4), pp.528-548. Navickas, V., Navikaite, A., Abeyrathne, U., Jayarathne, S., K?l?, S., Chen, Y.L., YALMAN, Z., Chen, P.C., Huang, C.H., ER, S. and RC, M.., 2014. Methodological aspects of customer satisfaction: Measurement and models.International Journal of Arts and Commerce,3(8), pp.49-58. Orel, F.D. and Kara, A., 2014. Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(2), pp.118-129. Srivastava, M. and Kaul, D., 2014. Social interaction, convenience and customer satisfaction: The mediating effect of customer experience.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(6), pp.1028-1037. Zablah, A.R., Carlson, B.D., Donavan, D.T., Maxham III, J.G. and Brown, T.J., 2016. A cross-lagged test of the association between customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction in a relational context.Journal of Applied Psychology,101(5), p.743.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Juidical Review Essay Example For Students

Juidical Review Essay Juidical ReviewIn 1717, Bishop Hoadly told King George I, Whoever hath an absoluteauthority to interpret written or spoken laws; it is he who is truly the lawgiver to all intents and purposes and not the person who wrote or spoke them (Pollack, 153).Early sentiments similar these have blossomed in to a large scale debate over which branch of our government has the power to overturn laws that do not follow the foundations of our democratic system;the constitution.In this paper I will discuss the history of judicial review in respect to the U.S. Supreme Court, but more importantly, I will discuss the impact that judicial review has had on the Supreme Court and our system of government and the various arguments behind this power that the Supreme Court now possesses. The first instance that the Supreme Court showed its power under the cloak of judicial review was in the legendary case of Marbury v. Madison.In the confusion of leaving office, President John Adams failed to have delivered four commissions which he had made before having to surrender his power to Thomas Jefferson.In fact, the responsibility of delivering the commissions was left in the hands of John Marshall, the former Secretary of State under Adams, who was now the chief justice of the Supreme Court.When Jefferson took office, he refused to have the commissions delivered, and the case was filed by Marbury and the three other marshals that failed to receive their commissions.As the Chief Justice, Marshall wrote the opinion of the court by answering three questions concerning the case;did Marbury have a right to the commission, did Marbury have a remedy to receive the commission, and was a writ of mandamus the proper remedy to receive the commission.Marshall answ!ered yes to the first two questions, but said that the Supreme Court could not give him the commission he was entitled to through a writ of mandamus.Through this decision, Marshall not only asserted the power of the court with judicial review , but avoided a potentially devastating confrontation with the presidency in the early years of our fledgling government.Marshall was able to establish the judiciarys role in our government with this decision by answering the question that if the courts do not have this power, who does.The significance of the Marbury v. Madison decision is far reaching.Before the 1803 decision, the court had never really been a factor in our government, so much that the 1802 session was terminated by President Jefferson.The case established the Supreme Courts authority to review and strike down governmental actions that did not follow the Constitution.Marshall believed that although the framers of the Constitution did not explicitly write the power of judicial review into the constitution, it was what the framers intended.I will discuss this argument in greater detail later.After the Marbury v. Madison decision, the Marshall court enjoyed a new found power, but rarely found occasion to use it since most of the cases that were heard were rather trivial private law disputes.However, the court was able to hand down a number of important opinions interpreting various aspects of the Constitution.After Marshalls death in 1835, Roger B. Taney ascended to the chief justiceship.Taney, unlike Marshall, was a Jacksonian Democrat, and a strong supporter of President Jackson and his view of states rights.It was Taney who passed down the infamous 1857 decision in Dredd Scott v. Sandford, which displayed the courts belief that blacks had no real Constitutional status and that the court strongly supported states rights.Furthermore, the Dredd Scott decision worsened conditions for nationalists, and inevitably pushed our nation closer to civil war.After the war had ended, the court again found itself busy with a large caseload due to the many commercial and private disputes raised by the war.Chief justices Salmon Chase and Morrison Waite helped to reestablish Congressional power over the defeat ed South, but had little chance to use its power of judicial review during this time or repair.The close of the war brought the Industrial Revolution and new found problems to our country and government.Two questions which found their way before the Supreme Court were whether or not Congress had the authority regulate commerce and the power of the states to impose regulations on business.In addition to these two problems, the court also found itself involved in protecting commercial interests from governmental regulation.This was in large part accomplished by the appointment of many justices by Republican presidents who supported a free market economy.This continued through the New Deal era, when the court became heavily involved in government by overturning more than 130 regulatory laws which it stated violated various sections of the Constitution.This was the heyday of judicial review for the Supreme Court.Furthermore, the court passed landmark legislation in civil rights with the separate but equal clause being passed down in Plessy v. Ferguson (Walker/Epstein, 17-19) Jane Eyre Persuasive Essay Works CitedPELTASON, C.W.1988. Understanding the Constitution.New York:Abbey Road Press. POLLACK, C.1966.The Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court.Cleveland: World Publishing Company. WALKER, Thomas, and Lee Epstein.1933The Supreme Court of the United States:An Introduction.New York: St. Martins Press. THE AWESOME POWER OF NINE JUSTICES:A DISCUSSION OF JUDICIAL REVIEW

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Creativity and Innovation essay part 2

Creativity and Innovation essay part 2 Creativity and Innovation essay part 2 Creativity and Innovation essay part 2Creativity and Innovation essay part  1Briefing for executivesThe development of the new product, APP, the new application that allows watching video from various websites opens new perspectives for the business development of the company because the new product will attract customers, who are interested in watching video online. The advantage of the new application is the compatibility of the application with diverse video codecs. At the same time, the development and introduction of the new product will need the creation of the idea factory that will help to elaborate the new application concept and key features of the application. The idea factory is very helpful, when it is applied to innovative products. At the same time, the proposed product needs the elaboration of the effective marketing strategy and the introduction of the new product will need the adaption of the APP to specificities of the company introducing the product. At the same time, the enhancement of the APP by means of the development of the truly universal application but the company should come prepared to possible challenges. In such a situation, it is possible to point out that the creation of the plan with the help of the idea factory can help to develop and introduce the new product to make it successful and bring the company introducing the product marketing and financial benefits.Overview of objectives, philosophy and approachIn actuality, diverse theories offer different views on human thinking but there is no universal homogeneous view on ways of thinking used by people. Different theories agree only on the diversity of ways of thinking and they distinguish general trends and factors that determine the way people think, like intuition or logic. For instance, according to the Adaption-Innovation theory, the existence of diverse problems, which people have to serve, contributes to the diversity of ways of thinking people use to solve those prob lems. At this point, I can refer to my personal experience since my vision of human thinking and my way of thinking has been different before I have got acquainted with the Adaption-Innovation theory.The adaption-innovation theory holds the premise that all people are creative because they need creativity to solve problems (Luo Bernacki, 2014). This fact was well known for me and I believed that managers should encourage the creativity of employees to enhance their performance. I believed that all people have the creative potential, which they can use to introduce innovations. However, as the adaption-innovation theory places emphasis on the fact that people face different problems they elaborate different problem solving strategies based on their specific way of thinking (Luo Bernacki, 2014). In addition, people use their creativity to solve problems that may also differ. What is meant here is the fact that people have different creative potential some are more creative than othe rs. As a result, they use different ways of thinking. For instance, the most creative people are innovators, who are people that are capable to invent new solutions to problems, which they face in their life. Moreover, innovators can introduce new solutions to existing problems as well as they can offer solutions to new problems, which they have never faced before. For instance, innovators kept exploring and finding new solutions to the problem of transportation and invented airplanes, although, by that time, people had plenty of land transport technologies, including cars and railways, which allowed them to transport to the target destination relatively fast.So far I would agree with the adaption-innovation theory since I believed that managers can enhance the performance of their employees and stimulate the development of their innovative activities. However, to my surprise the adaption-innovation theory insists that, aside of innovators, there are adaptors, who do not innovate th emselves but adapt the invented solution to problems (Luo Bernacki, 2014). At this point, it is important to place emphasis on the fact adaptors are not necessarily poor in the development of effective solutions. In fact, adaptors may be as important as innovators for communities or organizations. For instance, innovators can introduce an excellent, innovative solution to the problem, but fail to complete the introduction of the innovation, whereas it is the adaptor that will adapt the innovation and make it perfect for the solution of the particular problem.Hence, I agree with the Adaption-innovative theory idea that people develop different ways of thinking. In this respect, the Adaption-Innovation theory places emphasis on the fact that specific ways of thinking develop on the ground of problems people deal with in their regular life. The interdependence between problems and approaches to their resolution that involve different ways of thinking is reasonable but still such a vie w is not perfect (Tharpe Gallimore, 2008). In fact, people develop different ways of thinking dealing with different problems but still some people are more inclined to resolve their problems with the help of intuition, while others rely on logic and reason (Vygotsky, 2012). Hence, a priori they will use different approaches. In such a context, the creativity of individuals becomes the crucial factor that determines the way of thinking (Piager, 2005). The creativity is one of the major drivers of thinking since it helps people to find more and more sophisticated and successful solutions to more and more complex problems, which they confront in the course of their life.The idea factory will help to create the concept of the new product, its key features and steadily give insight into the essence of the new product. At the same time, the new product is destined for a large customer group, including all those users, who are interested in watching videos online. At this point, the idea factory should evaluate the target customer group, its expectations and goals as well as possible customer behavior. In actuality, the target customer group of the APP is broad because users tend to watch video online, especially due to the emergence of new technologies, social networks and modern IT that facilitate the data transmission and sharing. The introduction of the new application will attract many customers but the company should protect its intellectual property rights and prevent the risk of information breaches and other problems associated with cyber crimes and which the company introducing the APP may confront.The key strategies and tacticsCreativity and Innovation essay part  3

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis & Estimation of Travel Demand Assignment

Analysis & Estimation of Travel Demand - Assignment Example The questions provides a practical basis for collecting the required information for analysis and estimation of the travel demand. Large volumes of information could also be collected from many respondents within the targeted transportation companies in the city. This is typically possible within a relatively short time period. Because no much movement is required when trying to reach the respondents, the survey as a whole is very cost effective. With this survey instrument, the aspects of validity and reliability of the collected data is preserved. The research results can easily and quickly be quantified. Nevertheless, the survey instrument is disadvantageous in that to a certain extent, it is inadequate in understanding certain forms of information that is completely implied such as behaviour, emotions, and feelings with regard to the posed questions. To some extent, the data collected may not be valid enough especially where estimates are considered for answers. There is also the possibility of the respondents interpreting the questions different. Trip generation is basically the fundamental step in the process of initiating transportation forecasting. In this regard, there is the need to acquire all the necessary information that could ultimately lead to an effective travel demand forecasting. Trip generation would help the authorities of the City of Omaha predict number of that could be destined for the city’s traffic analysis zone. In order to achieve the objective of the trip generation step, the questionnaire focuses on residences through the companies offering the transport services. In this case, the first thing considered in designing the questions was the key aspects required in trip generation. The questions were then structured with respect to the variables required for the analysis. The companies involved were some of the key